Vida Partners brings to you a union of individuals who have a solid track record in the
private equity management arena. Over the last  10 years  together,  the individuals
have proven that they have the track  record,  investment  discipline, passion, team
stability  and  cohesion  that  are mandatory  criteria  of  any  investors  in the private
equity arena.

Vida’s   partners,  both   individually   and   as   a  team  have   acquired   and   built
invaluable   experience   and   knowledge   in   their  previous   careers  together. This
partnership can be viewed as an extension of their careers from Commerce-Ventures.

Between   themselves,  they  managed  RM900  million  of   funds   (as of June 2007) in
diverse    industries   i.e.   Information    Communication    Technology,    Life   Sciences,
Manufacturing,   Consumer   and   Industrial   Services,   Education,  Healthcare and

Besides their broad industry coverage, they also have the understanding and know-
how   to   manage   the   challenges   of   various   stages   of   investments.  Stages of
investments   they   made   were   wide   ranging   from   start-ups  to buy-outs.   These
investments    required   an   amalgamation  of  approaches and skill sets to manage.
They   practise    a   disciplined   hands-on   investment   management approach i.e.
functioning    together    with   the  entrepreneurs  and  management  of the investee
companies   in   achieving   the end and yet not stifling the growth of the relationship,
always a delicate balance. They strongly believe that value can only be created or
added if comprehensive    understanding   and    appreciation   of   the   business   is

Essentially, over the last 10 years together, they have made 87 investments, exited in
34   investments   via   IPOs,   Trade   Sales,   M&A   exercises   and   Buy   Backs.  More
importantly, they have consistently managed to return a minimum average Internal
Rate of Return (IRR) of 20% per annum to their investors.